Document 1505 LOADING DR DOS IN UPPER MEMORY ONLY Description: There are certain conditions under which you may wish to not load DR DOS system files into HMA (High Memory Area) due to the fact that other applications may need to use it. Some of these applications include Desqview and XMSNET (Novell Netware) Another application under which you may wish to not use the HMA is if you are trying to run Windows in enhanced mode on a 2 megabyte computer. Since Windows requires 1 megabyte of XMS memory you cannot use any of the HMA. Example: To keep DR DOS 6.0 out of the HMA: 1) Make sure that the /MH option is not used on any of the DR DOS 6.0 commands that support it. This includes SHELL, SHARE and Delwatch. Use the /MU option instead on these files. 2) Make sure that the HIBUFFERS command is not used in the CONFIG.SYS file. This command will use the HMA even if the Kernel is not put there with /BDOS=FFFF. 3) Make sure that the /BDOS option reads: /BDOS=AUTO. 386 computers can also use HIDOS.SYS with /B=AUTO. This will prevent you from hiloading but this is not an issue with 3rd party memory managers.